Chapter 3 – Part 3

Waterstuff by la Belette

Making the Team

Part 3

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“I beg your pardon?” 

“Yeah. See, it’s the other villages, Kennish an’ Rigow an’ Durish that were still goin’ in an’ were losing people.” Davrim shrugged, as if it was some kind of habitual, if unfortunate, occurrence. “Now they’ve stopped goin’ in too so the monster comes out. Trina’s the last one, she went missin’ no’ long ago.” 

The knight felt as though he teetered at the edge of a precipice. How could he not have heard of this! “And… who is Trina?” he inquired, harrumphing away a lump rising in his throat. 

“She’s a bi’ younger than me. Her Ma’s all turned ‘round.” The boy looked at his feet and kicked a stone. “There was a scream but no one saw nothin’.” 

A child recently gone missing and he hadn’t known. He felt cold but was spared the need to think too hard about it when one of the boys who had left Davrim alone ran up to them yelling “He’s back! He’s back! They did it!” before nervously sliding to a halt a few spans away from the Vigil.

“I knew it!” exclaimed Davrim, breaking out of his somber demeanor and jumping up and down excitedly, leading the second boy to begin chattered again. “Menzo was with ‘im! An’ he was pretty bloody too but the other one was worst an’…” 

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